Protect your energy…what does that even mean?
Ever had a really great day and then you get home and your partner is in a bad mood and you feel all that positive energy drain away, and then you add to that negativity by resenting them for it? Or do you have someone in your workplace who is constantly complaining, making you feel frustrated and fed up? If you have kids, you’ll know all too well how triggering it is when they throw a tantrum and you instantly feel the same anger and frustration that they are projecting at you, and the challenge in staying calm and grounded which is what they need from you in that moment. Perhaps you wake up in a bad mood and you end up taking it out on the people closest to you, projecting your negative energy onto them. On reflection, you know that if you were feeling good, you would have treated them in a completely different way. Maybe you are an empath, and you feel others pain as your own.
It is so important to protect our energy, working 1-1 with clients I know this from experience. Whilst empathy is essential in creating a peaceful and loving world, I know that in order to hold safe space for others and ensure I don't experience 'compassion fatigue', it is essential that I protect my own energy.
But how do you do this? Here are some tips